[D-Scribes List] Final deadline extension, IWCP workshop (Computational PAleography, ICDAR 2024

Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello i.marthot-santaniello at unibas.ch
Wed May 1 11:13:07 CEST 2024

Dear d-scribes mailing-list,
Final deadline for the 3rd Int. Workshop on Computational Paleography (IWCP): May 7 anywhere on earth

Updated deadline is here: https://www.csmc.uni-hamburg.de/iwcp2024.html

and the submission details are here: https://www.csmc.uni-hamburg.de/iwcp2024/submission.html

All the best
The workshop organizers
Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello and Hussein A. Mohammed

Dr. Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello
Assistant Professor
Institute of Ancient Civilizations
University of Basel
PI SNSF Starting Grant project "EGRAPSA: Retracing the evolutions of handwritings in Graeco-Roman Egypt thanks to digital palaeography" (June 2023-May 2028)

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